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Trinket Slot Macro Wow

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General guides

Macros Beginners Guide
Making a macro
Macro conditionals
Macro commands

Useful macros by class

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This page lists macro conditionals, keywords used with macro commands, the RestrictedEnvironment and the SecureStateDriver API to allow limited logic for player convenience without trivializing the game.

Trinket Slot Macro Wow Classic

Refer to secure command options for syntax and making a macro for a tutorial.

Trinket Slot Macro Wow Classic

Targeting keywords

The GCD is a mechanism used by Wow to limit you to only casting 1 thing at a time (most other trinkets are not on the GCD and can be used/cast at the same time as regular spells) and in Macros wow only tries to cast the 1st GCD-limited ability/spell/item and will ignore all others. Trinkets + Curse of Doom. This macro will use your available Trinket, and Curse of Doom all in one button. #showtooltip Curse of Doom /use 13 /use 14 /use Curse of Doom Be wary this will still cast Curse of Doom regardless if you have a trinket available. All three drains on a single button (via ctrl and alt). Performs the specified actions in order. This command accepts secure command options.The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below, and an action will be performed at the condition target (or your current target, or the implied target if the condition did not specify an explicit target). To break down the previous macro into a readable psuedo-code: Equip TrinketName in slot 14 End Macro Else if right-clicked Equip TrinketName in slot 13 End Macro It never even gets to the 'or if right-clicked'- it just reads the first command and then ends the macro. By swapping it around, you get: If right-clicked Equip TrinketName in slot 13.

Targeting keywords begin with @ and assign a temporary target to the macro command. (This does not change the player's selected target.)

Any valid unitId.
Immediately targets the ground under the cursor.
Interupts auto self-cast and requires a targeting cursor.

Boolean conditions

All other conditionals evaluate as either true to execute the macro command, or false to skip it. The no prefix reverses this (ie, nodead means alive).

The following tables categorize each boolean condition by whether it evaluates the state of any target, only the player, or the user interface.

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Evaluated against a target
Macro ConditionalSimilar APIDescription
existsUnitExists()The unit exists
help, harmUnitCanAssist() and UnitCanAttack()The unit exists and can be targeted by helpful/harmful spells
deadUnitIsDeadOrGhost()The unit exists and is dead
party, raidUnitInParty() and UnitInRaid()The unit exists and is in your party/raid
unithasvehicleuiUnitInVehicle()The unit exists and is in a vehicle

Evaluated against the player only
Macro ConditionalSimilar APIDescription
canexitvehicleCanExitVehicle()In a vehicle and able to exit
channeling, channeling:spellNameUnitChannelInfo('player') and ChannelInfo()Channeling any spell, or a certain spell
combatInCombatLockdown or UnitAffectingCombat('player')In combat
equipped:type, worn:typeIsEquippedItemType(type)Refer to itemType for possible types (ie, weapon) and subtypes (ie, sword)
flyableIsFlyableArea()Unreliable in Wintergrasp
flyingIsFlying()Mounted or flight form, and in the air
form:n, stance:nGetShapeshiftForm()Refer to GetShapeshiftForm for possible values
group, group:party, group:raidIsInGroup() and IsInRaid()Self-explanatory
indoors, outdoorsIsIndoors() and IsOutdoors()Self-explanatory
pet:name, pet:familyUnitCreatureFamily('pet')Using a hunter pet by name or family
petbattleC_PetBattles.IsInBattle()In a pet battle
restingIsResting()In a rested zone
spec:n, spec:n1/n2GetActiveSpecGroup(false)Activated the n'th (or any of n1, n2) spec
talent:row/colThe given row/col talent is active

Evaluated against the user interface (action bars, keyboard, mouse)
Macro ConditionalSimilar APIDescription
actionbar:n, bar:n, or bar:n1/n2/..GetActionBarPage()The n'th (or any of n1, n2, ..) action bar page appears
bonusbar, bonusbar:nHasBonusActionBar()The bonus action bar is visible; see
button:n, btn:n1/n2/.., btn:OnClickThe mouse button used as left (1), right (2), middle (3), extra (4 & 5) or virtual
cursorGetCursorInfo()Dragging an action button (item, spell, macro, etc.)
extrabarHasExtraActionBar()An extra action bar/button is visible
modifier, mod, mod:key, mod:actionIsModifierKeyDown() or IsModifiedClick(action)Accepts shift, ctrl, alt, lshift, rshift, .., and any action title
overridebarHasOverrideActionBar()The override bar is replacing the main action bar
possessbarIsPossessBarVisible()The possess bar is visible
shapeshiftHasTempShapeshiftActionBar()The temporary shapeshift action bar is replacing the main action bar
vehicleuiHasVehicleActionBar()The vehicle UI is active

Patch changes

Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): 'talent' conditional added.
Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Several conditions and shorthand alternatives added.[1]
Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added.


Trinket Slot Macro Wow

  1. ^Iriel and slouken 2007-08-08. Re: Upcoming 2.3 Changes - Concise List.
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General guides

Macros Beginners Guide
Making a macro
Macro conditionals
Macro commands

Useful macros by class

Main Menu

Performs the specified actions in order.


This command accepts secure command options. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below, and an action will be performed at the condition target (or your current target, or the implied target if the condition did not specify an explicit target). If no conditions are satisfied, no action will be performed.



If you wish to specify a condition to reset the list, you may do so here. Format is 'reset=' followed by the reset condition, more than one condition may be set. When using more than one condition, '/' should be used between the functions.
  • - The number of seconds since the command was last executed with these parameters
  • target - You changed target
  • combat - You entered or exited combat
  • alt - Alt was pressed
  • shift - Shift was pressed
  • ctrl - Ctrl was pressed

Wow Macro For Trinket Slot

action1, action2, ..
A comma-separated list of actions to perform in sequence. You may use any way of specifying an action accepted by /cast here, including spell names and item names.


Trinket Slot Macro Wow

  • This command will not advance to the next action in the comma-separated list if the previous action was not performed successfully: instead, it will attempt to perform that action until it either succeeds, or the reset condition of the sequence is triggered (in which case the sequence will return to the first action in the list).


This will cast Blessing of Might, followed by Seal of Insight:

This will cast Hunter's Mark, followed by Aimed Shot, and will reset to Hunter's Mark if the player changes targets after casting it: Poker ameristar blackhawk.

This will cast Exorcism, Crusader Strike, Crusader Strike, Crusader Strike, Shield of the Righteous and will reset back to Crusader Strike after leaving combat or 10 seconds after the last click (note: this will not skip Shield of the Righteous if you don't have any Holy Power):

This will use the first sequence in a raid with a living, harmable focustarget and the second sequence elsewhere:

Wow Macro Trinket Slot 1

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